miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


"Nada sucede por casualidad, todo es una consecuencia, un acto de fe y esperanza, una secuencia que parece promesa de entretejer, a través del tiempo y el espacio, la cadena de voluntades que nos une como humanidad."

Deseo agradecer infinitimante a Debrah Riddleton, esta publicación simultánea, tanto en su blog (http://debrahriddleton.blogspot.com), como en éste. De nuevo aflora su gran sensibilidad y amor por la Naturaleza, poniendo de manifiesto sus convicciones más profundas por mantener a salvo este planeta llamado Tierra.


An aurora is a natural light display in the sky, particularly in the polar regions, caused by the collision of charged particles directed by the Earth's magnetic field. An aurora is usually observed at night and typically occurs in the ionosphere. It is also referred to as a polar aurora or, collectively, as polar lights.

These phenomena are commonly visible between 60 and 72 degrees north and south latitudes, which place them in a ring just within the Arctic and Antarctic polar circles.[citation needed] Auroras do occur deeper inside the polar regions, but these are infrequent and often invisible to the naked eye.

However, this celestial event beyond our ability to create, to produce human beings, so majestic art exhibition because of its greatness in its deepest sense.
In this poem trying to offer a tribute to our capacity to wonder at an event of this magnitude subliminal.


They call you phenomena, I call you essence.
They define you as luminescence, I call you omnipresence
They have seen you in the north, I see you always in my heart.

Omnipresent lighthouse
sieve that catches only light stars,
only essence.

Eyes that peeks into the abyss
of nocturnal loneliness.
Signal sinless perfection.

Daughter of the solar wind that poses,
with its orbit spirals,
in the quiet atmosphere of the night,
and touch the sensitive alone time.

Aurora borealis is your name,
I call you faith, love,
Perfection, caress.

Debrah Riddleton


Ellos te llaman fenómeno, yo te llamo esencia.
Ellos te definen como luminiscencia, yo te llamo omnipresencia,
Ellos te han visto en el norte, yo te veo siempre en mi interior.

Faro de luz omnipresente,
cedazo de estrellas que atrapa sólo luz
sólo esencia.

Ojo que atisba en el abismo
nocturno de la noche,
señal de perfección inmaculada.

Hija del viento solar que se posa
con sus órbitas espirales,
en la atmósfera silenciosa de la noche
y acaricia la delicada soledad del tiempo.

Aurora borealis es tu nombre,
yo te llamo fe, amor,
perfección, caricia.


15 comentarios:

  1. Querida Debrah:

    Tu poema es mavarilloso. Consigues transmitir la magia de la creación, de la naturaleza.

    Cada uno de tus versos es suave, sensible, fino, elegante.

    Tus palabras llegan profundamente al espíritu.

    También el vídeo es muy hermoso.

    Gracias por compartir tu poesía con todos nosotros.

    Con mi amistad y admiración
    Un abrazo

  2. ¡Exquisito poema!
    Me parece excepcional que una escritora (o escritor, por supuesto), alcance tal nivel de sensibilidad. El ser humano se acostumbra a tantas cosas, que pierde el gusto, por no decir capacidad, por estremecerse ante tanta belleza.
    Me congratulo de gozar a plenitud esta poesía.
    Enrique Cisneros (México, D.F.)

  3. Hi, Debrah!
    It's a pleasure be your follower in this latitudes. This majestic poem is a little bit of your heart. It represents your high capacity for painting life in true colors.
    Keep your force! Keep your fellings!

  4. Labor infatigable de poeta.
    Alma sedienta de encontrar reposo
    en las sedosas arenas de la vida.
    ¡Adorable Debrah! Eso eres para mí...

  5. As always: Your poem is deep and sensible. The humanity has found the precise words to say what needs to say.

  6. My Dearest Anna:
    Your attitude is more gracious than I deserve. Your always sweet and profound words penetrate in my heart.
    I appreciate your friendship and I promise to work every day hard.
    Always in my heart:

  7. Dear Enrique:
    I think your very wise words. Indeed, the sensitivity is a gift from God that make us growing. Thanks for your thoughts.

    My dearest Philip:
    I appreciate your kindness. In effect, if I could will paint the world with so many marvelous colors.

    Dear Anónimo:
    Thanks for your words.

    My dearest Debbie:
    Thanks a lot. Will be in touch.

    Debrah Riddleton

  8. Excellent! Sometimes I think that Nature is God and vice versa. The phenomena called Aurora Borealis is something invades my capacity of thinking. Of course I feel admired about this poem, but still I cant understand it.

  9. Amazing.
    And more...

  10. Consuelo Martínez Jara5 de abril de 2011, 6:51

    Muy hermosa manera de dirigirse a la naturaleza. Es muy gratificante no olvidar temas tan profundos y admirables.

  11. Dear Debrah:
    This poem is all you!

  12. Me gustó mucho esta entrada papá, ya la pase en facebook, te quiero mucho.

  13. Exquisito poema. Es una verdadera apoteosis con tintes de alegoría y sublimación de los sentidos.

  14. Dear Nancy:
    Your words are so much to me.
    When I think about You, I remember the Nature as a divine gift.
    Your deep and emotive narative is like a treasure in my heart.
    With all my love:
